Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Greenhouses and Produce Market start gearing up for Spring.

Clearspring Produce Auction
Potted plants and flats of vegtables and flowers can be bought here in all quanities. Amish produce farmers bring in ALL kinds of produce and flowers that they grow in their greenhouses of course everything comes in by seasons.

Everyone is getting ready for spring to arrive and we can't hardly wait!
We start making our spring plans, of what flowers we want to plant and where we want to plant them. Then we think of where we want to go and what greenhouses we want to visit.
Here is a list of 10 Greenhouses that are less than 10 minutes away from Mirror Lake B&B.
Rolling Acres, Bontrager Garden Center, Stoney Produce, Nature's Unlimited, Country Garden Center, Farm View Landscaping, Bell's Garden's, Bontrager's in Emma, Clear Spring Greenhouse,
The Produce Auction is most Tuesdays and Thursday's just outside of Emma & Otto's produce.
Peranials, annuals, trees and bushes can be bought at all of these centers. What a GREAT selection!! Come stay & come see for yourself!!!


Sit A Spell said...

Hi! How fun that you have a blog for your b&b. I am in MI and thinking about driving down to Shipshe with my daughter for the night. How far is your home from Shipshe? Looks like you might have horses too...do you do trail rides with your horses? Feel free to leave me a comment on my blog.


Sit A Spell said...

OH...just read your about me...i was in 4-H for 10 yrs too!

About Me

My photo
Rome City, Indiana, United States
VIEW MY WEB SITE www.mirrorlakebb.com Hello welcome to Mirror Lake Bed and Breakfast my name is Kathy Fought. I am the owner of Mirror Lake Bed and Breakfast I also own a beauty salon. My husband's name is Jed he and his brother Jim are the owners and operators of Hog Back Hill Holstein. They are dairy and crop farmers we live on a 150 acre farm in northeastern Indiana and we are surrounded by Amish farmers.I enjoy working in my garden or one of my flower beds. Jed and I were both 10 year 4-her's and so were all three of the kids. Our favorites were showing sheep and contest horses we went to MANY show. I also enjoy riding horses we are lucky to have many trails through the woods or work in an arena. We enjoy the rustic, private and peaceful atmosphere, paddle boat rides, fishing, setting around the campfire and watching beautiful sun sets on Mirror Lake. Coming to Mirror lake is more then a destination.... it’s an awaking a life style almost forgotten.